December 14-15, 2024

International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development. Fostering Global Innovations in Communications and Signal Processing Amidst Hyderabad's Fusion of Tradition and Technology


1st International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (EAI ICGTSD 2024)

International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development, ICGTSD-2024 is the premier conference to promote research related to highly interdisciplinary, environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches and systems. Sustainable development comes from sustainable engineering solutions by minimizing waste, using renewable energy sources, reducing pollution, and creating long-lasting, efficient systems that can be enjoyed by future generations. The future of sustainable development is certainly dependent on green solutions to promote the development of green technologies that will help to create healthy and sustainable relationships between humans and nature.

Main Track

Submission Deadline

30 August 2024 

Notification Deadline

30 September 2024

Camera-Ready Deadline

30 November 2024 

Late Track

5 July 2023

Full Paper Submission deadline

4 August 2023

Notification deadline

30 August 2023

Camera-ready deadline

Correction Track

5 July 2023

Full Paper Submission deadline

4 August 2023

Notification deadline

30 August 2023

Camera-ready deadline

Correction Track 2

5 July 2023

Full Paper Submission deadline

4 August 2023

Notification deadline

30 August 2023

Camera-ready deadline

Correction Track 3

5 July 2023

Full Paper Submission deadline

4 August 2023

Notification deadline

30 August 2023

Camera-ready deadline

Meet our Keynotes

Prof Aad van Moorsel

Models for Blockchain and Decentralised Systems

Prof Maria Papadopouli

Identifying Neuronal Modules of Communication in Primary Visual Cortex



Special Programme outside VALUETOOLS conference

Day 1 – Gala Dinner at Parasties Heraklion Restaurant, Crete

Day 2 – Trip to Knossos

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Previous VALUETOOLS editions:

2022 – Virtual Conference
2021 – Virtual Conference
2020 – Tsukuba, Japan
2019 – Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2017 – Venice, Italy
2016 – Taormina, Italy
2015 – Berlin, Germany
2014 – Bratislava, Slovakia

2013 – Torino, Italy
2012 – Cargèse, France
2011 – Paris, France
2009 – Pisa, Italy
2008 – Athens, Greece
2007 – Nantes, France
2006 – Pisa, Italy